ATTENTION! All your files have been encrypted And their decryption will cost you 0.06 bitcoin. To start the decryption process follow the steps below Step 1) Make sure you send 0.06 bitcoin to this wallet: bc1q73lm30rgv6h9wy42y88t0r8prjh9l9pzpvvm9c Step 2) Contact me at this email address: With this Subject: EDON-KEYPC-492830006 After the payment has been confirmed, you will receive the decryptor and the keys for decryption! Other information: If you don't own bitcoin, you can buy it here very easily You can find a larger list here: If the payment is not made in 2 days, I will consider that you do not want to decrypt your files, and therefore the keys generated for your PC will be permanently.deleted.