EPSON Advanced Printer Driver Ver.4 Copyright (c) 2014 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1. About this software This package includes the following two software programs to use with an EPSON TM/BA/EU series printer. 1) Windows Printer Driver This driver is a Windows Printer Driver for the TM/BA/EU printer. This driver makes it possible to print from a Windows application. 2) StatusAPI StatusAPI is a program that works in conjunction with the TM/BA/EU printer driver. It offers an Application Program Interface for obtaining the printer status whether or not the printer is printing. This API makes integrating printer status handling functions with applications more simple. For detailed information, please see each reference manual. The driver operation has been verified with the following operating systems. Windows 8.1 Pro 32/64bit Windows 8 Pro 32/64bit Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32/64bit Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 Simplified Chinese 32/64bit Windows XP Professional SP3 Simplified Chinese 32bit Windows Server 2012 R2 64bit Windows Server 2012 64bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 64bit Windows Server 2008 Standard/DataCenter SP2 Simplified Chinese 32bit Windows Server 2008 Standard 64bit Simplified Chinese SP2 Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise SP2 Simplified Chinese 32bit Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2 Simplified Chinese 64bit Windows XP Embedded 32bit SP2 Windows Embedded Standerd 2009 32bit Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 32bit Windows Embedded for Point of Service 32bit Windows Embedded POSReady 7 This driver is not supported by Windows 95/98/NT/2000 and Windows XP 64bit. EPSON IM series PC or IBM compatible PC Supported Printers EPSON TM-T58 EPSON TM-T88V EPSON TM-T88IV EPSON TM-T88III EPSON TM-T81 EPSON TM-T81II EPSON TM-U120 EPSON TM-U220A/B/D EPSON TM-U120II EPSON TM-U128 EPSON TM-L90 EPSON BA-T500 EPSON BA-T500II The printer driver operates regardless of the pritner firmware version. 2. Supplied Files : Printer Driver,StatusAPI installer with manuals Refer to the installation manual APD4_Install_SC_RevM.pdf and APD4_T81_Install_SC_RevH.pdf. 3. Remarks - For detailed information, please read each manual that is created by the installation APDMANSC_N.exe. -When an error message is displayed during installation, the following procedure may enable to recover from the error. 1) Specify the uninstall option, and execute the installer "APD_456SC.exe /uninstall". 2) Remove the error factor. 3) Execute the installer "APD_456SC.exe". -Characters may not be printed correctly when using Easy Print of Windows Server 2008. For detailed information of this problem arising from the operating system, see the following web page provided by Microsoft Corporation. -In the Easy Print environment of Windows Server 2008, you cannot print the printer device font directly. However, you can print the device font converted from the True Type font by using "Font Substitution" of APD. For more information, see "Character Printing (Device Font)" in Printer Manual. -To set properties of the printer driver redirected on the server using Terminal Service or Remote Desktop on the printer driver on a client, go to [Advanced] Tab, and press the [Printing Defaults] button. -HELP is unavailable when using a printer driver redirected through the server using Terminal Service or Remote Desktop. -When using Terminal Service and Remote Desktop, interactive communication becomes unavailable between the PC and the printer, prohibiting displaying the printer status and obtaining printer information using the Status API. -The port redirection function is unavailable for a client when using Terminal Service or Remote Desktop. -At times, the status of the shared printer may not be displayed correctly or the Status API may not be opened. These problems arise from the security policy settings of the operating system. Although changing the settings of the operating system is possible by the following steps, it lowers the security policy. (1) Go to [Start] - [Administrative tool] - [Local Security Policy]. (2) [Security Option] - [Network Access (Set "Limit anonymous sccesses to the named pipe and shared printer" to "Invalid".)] However, you do not have to change the settings when a client PC is connected to the domain environment and when the same user name as a user name that is logged on a client is existing." -In Printer Driver, some Languages in the Language Option, can not be displayed in the tool tips messages. For these languages, tool tips are displayed in English. -In Printer Driver, some of the characters may turn into garbage characters when using the search function in Help. -If you are using Electric Journal, the following file(s) in the Temp folder will be deleted each time the Electric Journal Viewer is launched. PRNXXX.tmp -10,000 electric journal files can be saved in one folder. -Please use the same version of EPSON Advanced Printer Driver for each host when a network printer is shared among two or more hosts. -About how to use .Net module on Windows7/8. In case of Visual Basic .NET (Windows7/8). Example of Visual Basic .NET environment. 1 Execute Microsoft Visual Basic and and run project window. 2 Right click for [Reference settings] on Solution explorer and select [add reference]. 3 "Add reference" window is shown and click [Reference] tab. 4 Select "C:\Programfiles\Epson\Advanced Printer Tool\StatusAPI" in [File location] and open. -In case of 64bitOS, specify "C:\Program Files(x86)\Epson\Advanced Printer Tool\StatusAPI". 5 Input "EpsonStatusAPI.dll" in [file] menu and click [OK] to select. 6 Select [ Reference setting ] - [EpsonStatusAPI] in solution explorer. And set "False" on [specific version] property. 7 Add following description in the source code using Imports statement. Imports 8 Visual Basic .NET is now ready. You can develop application development using Status API. In case of Visual C# (Windows7/8). Following is example of Visual C# development. 1 Execute Microsoft Visual C# and run project window. 2 Right click for [Reference settings] on Solution explorer and select [add reference]. 3 "Add reference" window is shown and click [Reference] tab. 4 Select "C:\Programfiles\Epson\Advanced Printer Tool\StatusAPI" in [File location] and open. -In case of 64bitOS, specify "C:\Program Files(x86)\Epson\Advanced Printer Tool\StatusAPI". 5 Input "EpsonStatusAPI.dll" in [file] menu and click [OK] to select. 6 Select [ Reference setting ] - [EpsonStatusAPI] in solution explorer. And set "False" on [specific version] property. 7 Add following description in the source code using "using" keyward. using 8 Visual Basic .NET is now ready. You can develop application development using Status API. 4.Modification from the old version Ver4.56 -Improved print speed of TM-U220. -The following problem has been solved: -Printing white page when layout infomation set by layout settings tool -By ethernet, there is a possibility of no print -By ethernet, there is a possibility of stopping the print when used with Status API -There is a possibility of stopping the print after BiCloseMonPrinter -If BiOpenMonPrinter is faster than spooler open port, then does not print -The TM-U950 driver continue printing without paper -The speed of the BiOpenMonPrinter function of StatusAPI is slow. -Printer status may come to remain "initializing". Ver4.55b -The following problem has been solved: -The data are resent to a printer again in BiDirectIO/BiDirectIOEx of StatusAPI. Ver4.55a -The following problem has been solved: -There is the possibility of occurring not available printer issue. (Only APD4.55) Ver4.55 -Added support model TM-L90 -Fix the problem of dividing the barcode when included the specific code(e.g."-") in input data. -Change the initial values of printer monitoring time and timeout at using Ethernet I/F. Status Polling Interval 3000(ms) Status Polling Timeout 2000(ms) Power Status Polling Interval 1000(ms) Power Status Polling Timeout 1000(ms) Power Status Polling Retry Count 3(times) Wireless Offline Count 1(time) Wireless Power Off Count 3(times) Wired Offline Count 1(time) Wired Power Off Count 1(time) -The following problem has been solved: -There is a possibility of stopping the print by sending job to the printer from multiple PCs at the same time via Ethernet I/F. -There is a possiblity of to occur the garbage print by occurring lucking data in printing. -There is a possibility of to occur the while-loop(no end process) from BiCloseMonPrinter(). -No print if contained "%" on document name. -It takes about 5 sec until online status after power-on the printer(TM-T88V). -There is a possibility of No print by image mode on 64bit OS. Ver4.54 -Supports the following OS Microsoft Windows 8 32/64bit Microsoft Windows Server 2012 64bit -Revised the contents of EpsStmApi.h for StatusAPI. -Added support for .NET Framework 4.0. -The following problem has been solved: -During continued printing, the following kinds of prints are delayed. -Error recovery is not performed properly even when BiResetPrinter()/BiForceResetPrinter()is executed. Ver4.53 -Added support model TM-T81II, TM-U128 -Add 160 x 72dpi resolution on TM-U220 -Supports to print FontA and FontB on BA-T500II -Supports GB18030 font on BA-T500II -Silent install package is possible to install to any Windows OS version. -Can specify install folder for .Net module. -Add TMUSB Ver6.10a in the same package. Ver4.52c -The following problem has been solved: -It takes time until TM-T70 becomes ready to print. Ver4.52b -The following problem has been solved: -A garbage characters are printed. (TM-T70) -When the barcode of Code39 or Code93 print using DrawText function, the barcode is divided into two. Ver4.51 -Added support model BA-T500II(Supports 58/60mm Roll Paper.) Ver4.50 -Added support model TM-T81 -Changed port setting window. -Newly added printer IP address setting to the port setting window. -Changed log setting window. -Supports the following OS Microsoft Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Ver4.15b -The following problem has been solved: -The temporary files generated at the time of printing are left. Ver4.15 -The installer has been changed so as to install only the necessary modules. -The silent uninstallation function has been added to the silent installation package. -The following problems have been solved: -The printer is unable to print if its power is turned off and then turned on in serial connection. Ver4.13 -Added support model TM-U120II(Supports 58mm Roll Paper.) -When "Print all text as graphic images" is enabled, you can set the printing speed lower for the pages that include barcode or 2D symbol.   TM-T88V -The GB18030 font "SimSun" and "NSimSun" in the standard Windows can be replaced to the device font to be printed. (Windows Vista or after) -The following functions have been added to the Status API function. BiForceResetPrinter -The following problems have been solved: -APD installation will be failed if the specified ports are existed. -If printing in the image mode or multiple tone, 10mm more blanc will be found in the bottom. -Files are deleted and not be printed when executing the printing operation. -Printerkew status will be "User Intervention Required" and the printing cannot be performed. -The printing is performed while the printer is turned off. But the printing will not be performed even when turning on the printer. -The printer may not work even when reconnecting it after it is disconnected while the printing operation with Ether connection. -When connecting the printer with the parallel I/F by 64bitPS, a new hardware wizard dialog box will be appeared. Ver4.12 -In APD installation, TM-T88V Utility will not be installed as the default. -The default value for the choices of the installing printer will be blanc. -In case of the installation of BA-T500, only USB port can be selectable. -When the electrical journal file could not be stored to the disc, it (jpeg) will be stored to the folder, which includes the default setting. -The following problem has been solved: -When installing the driver with BA-T500II turned ON, two ESDPRTxxx ports were created. -A crash happened if repeating the "Debug" of the "Status API" by "VB6". -If repeating the print operation with the Ether connection, the print jobs were stored to the spooler and the print operation may stop. -If repeating the print operation with the Ether connection, Epson PH.exe might be force quitted. -In case of using the common printer or user authorized printer, the electrical journal file cannot be created. -In case of printing multiple copies, the set command of when printing started could not be stored to the electrical journal file of the 2nd copy or after. -Even if selecting the file to be indicated in the electrical journal viewer with the "PageUp" or "PageDown" keys, the preview was not updated. -Whenever the electrical journal file was selected in the electrical journal viewer, more memory was used. Ver4.11    -Disregarded message display when creating electronic journal.(TM-T88V) -The following problem has been solved: -Lag in StatusAPIのBiCloseMonPrinter.    -Can not change monitor interval for Ether port. -When printing multiple copies, electronic journal creates an uprintable file.(TM-T88V) Ver4.10 -Added support model TM-T88V, BA-T500II -Printer Driver Supports 24 languages for Language Option and Help (except for TM-C100). -Printer Driver Logo Printing supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats. -The following problem has been solved: -Sometimes unable to print when StatusAPI is being used.(Ver4.08) Ver4.09a -The compress/extract module was replaced to a one without encryption function. -The following problem has been solved: -If you enable sharing printer, it takes about 20 minutes when you start the pc. Or it takes about 10 minutes until you can use printer. Ver4.09 -Queuing time until printing start after the instruction is reduced. -Alias is specifiable for Printer font. -New parallel port driver is used on 32-bit OS. -Wireless-Offline count setting is added to the Ethernet setting dialog. -The following problem has been solved: -Even though executing Silent install, User defined size that is set using the Layout tab in the Printing settings cannot be copied. Ver4.08 -Supports the following OS Microsoft Windows 7 32bit Microsoft Windows 7 64bit Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit -Added the function to specify the horizontal print position for logo printing of the printer driver. -Added support model EPSON BA-T500 ReceiptSC4 EPSON TM-T88III ReceiptSC4 -Set the Sandbox function to "Isolated" (OS: Windows7/Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later). -When installing using an installer, set the Sandbox function to "Isolated". -When installing with Point & Print, set the Sandbox function to "Isolated". -When installing with Plug & Play, set the Sandbox function to "Isolated". For the "Isolated" setting: This setting allows you to operate a printer driver on a process separating from Spooler process. By setting each printer driver to "Isolated", all the printer drivers will not stop even if one of them stops because of some error occurrence. -Eliminated "Wireless Offline Count"from the Ethernet port setting dialog. -The following problems have been solved: -When repeatedly rebooting a PC with two or more printers connected and their power ON, the port settings are automatically changed on the PC side. -When an application using the StatusAPI is crushed in command transmission, the printer may not normally operate until the power is OFF and then ON. -After installing APD on WindowsXP SP2, a system error occurs when rebooting the OS. -After printing using EPSON Flash logo tool, ASB of the Status API will not be noticed. -There is no response when clicking a printer icon after stopping the Print Spooler while printing and then re-executing it. -Printer offline caused by the buffer full in printing is noticed to the status (status of PrinterInfo structure of the OS) displayed on the printer. Ver4.07 -Supports the following OS Microsoft Windows Embedded Standerd 2009 32bit Microsoft Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 32bit Microsoft Windows Vista 32bit SP2 Simplified Chinese Microsoft Windows 2003 Server R2 32bit SP2 Simplified Chinese Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 32bit SP2 Simplified Chinese Microsoft Windows Vista 64bit SP2 Simplified Chinese Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 64bit SP2 Simplified Chinese Microsoft Windows Server 2008 64bit SP2 Simplified Chinese -Added support model TM-U120II -The following problem has been resolved: -When the Protected Mode of the IE7 security settings is enabled (the lowest right), the StatusAPI displays an error dialogue. -Right after the print completion status is obtained, an error that executes BiDirectIO/BiDirectIOEx is returned -Even if an IP address is specified with the zp option during the silent installation, the setting is not reflected. -When two or more printers are silently installed, they are not installed with the correct port setting. Ver4.06a -The following device font properties of each printer have been changed. FontAxx FontBxx Barcodex 2D-Codex Control ConrolA etc -An improvement to eliminate the need for rebooting the PC on the upgrade installation has been made. Ver4.06 -Added the function to specify the horizontal print position for logo printing of the printer driver. -Changed to continue uninstallation when an error occurs during uninstallation. -Changed to copy the bitmap file, which is specified for watermark/logo printing of the printer driver, to the destination PC when the silent installation is executed. -Corrected the following defects. -Installation fails when the file path where the print log file cannot be output is specified. -After the upgrade installation from the APD Ver3, "EpsStmApi.dll" remains even when the APD Ver.4 is uninstalled. -Correct a misdescription in the silent installation creation screen. -The tab in the print data does not become active even when it is specified. Ver4.05 -New release.